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Plan for Victoria
Plan for Victoria
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Plan for Victoria
Acknowledgement of Country
About Plan for Victoria
About Plan for Victoria
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Plan for Victoria
About Plan for Victoria
A long-term plan for all of Victoria
Developing the plan
Engagement for the plan
Implementing the plan
The plan on maps
The plan's vision for Victoria, by Victorians
Self-determination and caring for Country
Self-determination and caring for Country
Close Self-determination and caring for Country
Plan for Victoria
Self-determination and caring for Country
Registered Aboriginal Parties
Housing for all Victorians
Housing for all Victorians
Close Housing for all Victorians
Plan for Victoria
Housing for all Victorians
Housing targets
More homes through activity centres
Accessible jobs and services
Sustainable environments
Great places, suburbs and towns
Measuring the plan's success
Measuring the plan's success
Close Measuring the plan's success
Plan for Victoria
Measuring the plan's success
Actions and outcomes
Actions and outcomes
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Measuring the plan's success
Actions and outcomes
Action 1: Implementing housing targets for every local government area
Action 2: Implement new planning controls to streamline planning in activity centres
Action 3: Carefully manage the outward sprawl of regional cities and towns
Action 4: Increase the number of social and affordable homes
Action 5: Match car and bike parking requirements and bike facilities with demand
Action 6: Update the Better Apartments Design Standards and the Apartment Design Guidelines for Victoria
Action 7: Improve transport network planning policy
Action 8: Ensure new industrial and commercial land is ready for development
Action 9: Streamline community infrastructure developer contributions
Action 10: Make the planning system fairer for Traditional Owners and First Peoples
Action 11: Coordinate public infrastructure and service delivery to support more homes
Action 12: Protect and enhance our canopy trees
Action 13: Introduce minimum standards and guidance for open space in established urban areas
Action 14: Make the best use of land at train stations
Action 15: Update design guidance to deliver better public places
Action 16: Embed Traditional Owners’ knowledge in the built environment and introduce more Traditional Owner place names in partnership with Traditional Owners
Action 17: Encourage walking and cycling
Action 18: Improve the environmental sustainability of development
Action 19: Better communicate and manage flood, bushfire and climate hazard risks
Action 20: Reflect Country in planning schemes where supported by and following ongoing engagement with Traditional Owners
Action 21: Protect our Birrarung (Yarra River)
Action 22: Protect and carefully use regional resources
What's already happening
Guides and resources
Guides and resources
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Guides and resources
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Guides and resources
Planning 101
Guide to Victoria’s Planning System
Guide to Victoria’s Planning System
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Guide to Victoria’s Planning System
Planning schemes
Planning permits
Other procedures
Acquisition and compensation
Digital planning system
Digital planning system
Close Digital planning system
Digital planning system
Training and guidance
Training and guidance
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Digital planning system
Training and guidance
Manage groups
System release notes
Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
Close Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
Using this guide
The VPP and planning schemes
How provisions work
Rules for writing a planning scheme provision
Choosing and applying provisions
How to...
Planning practice notes
Ministerial directions
Planning advisory notes
Urban design guidelines
Urban design guidelines
Close Urban design guidelines
Urban design guidelines
New to the urban design guidelines
1. Urban structure
1. Urban structure
Close 1. Urban structure
Urban design guidelines
1. Urban structure
1.1 Urban structure principles
1.2 Activity centre structure
1.3 Large development site structure
1.4 Higher density residential precinct structure
1.5 Public realm structure
2. Movement network
2. Movement network
Close 2. Movement network
Urban design guidelines
2. Movement network
2.1 Movement network principles
2.2 Pedestrian priority streets
2.3 Pedestrian and bicycle paths
2.4 Pedestrian and bicycle crossings
2.5 Major roads
2.6 Public transport on roads
2.7 On–street parking
2.8 Car parking lots
3. Public spaces
3. Public spaces
Close 3. Public spaces
Urban design guidelines
3. Public spaces
3.1 Public spaces principles
3.2 Street spaces and plazas
3.3 Local parks
3.4 Communal open spaces
4. Public transport environs
4. Public transport environs
Close 4. Public transport environs
Urban design guidelines
4. Public transport environs
4.1 Public transport environs principles
4.2 Railway station precincts
4.3 Public transport interchanges
4.4 Railway corridor environs
5. Buildings
5. Buildings
Close 5. Buildings
Urban design guidelines
5. Buildings
5.1 Buildings in activity centres
5.2 Higher density residential buildings
5.3 Large format retail premises
5.4 Car parking structures
6. Objects in the public realm
6. Objects in the public realm
Close 6. Objects in the public realm
Urban design guidelines
6. Objects in the public realm
6.1 Principles for objects in the public realm
6.2 Street and park furniture
6.3 Trees and planting
6.4 Barriers and fences
6.5 Lighting
6.6 Signs and way finding
6.7 Small public buildings and structures
Browse all guides
Strategies and initiatives
Strategies and initiatives
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Guides and resources
Strategies and initiatives
Developing a new plan for Victoria
Close Housing
Strategies and initiatives
Inclusionary housing pilot
A 10-year plan for Melbourne’s greenfields
Activity Centres Program
Activity Centres Program
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Strategies and initiatives
Activity Centres Program
About the Activity Centres Program
About the Activity Centres Program
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Activity Centres Program
About the Activity Centres Program
Why we plan for activity centres
About our plans
Supporting liveable activity centres
What this means for you
Camberwell Junction
Niddrie (Keilor Road) & North Essendon
Preston (High Street)
Expanding the activity centres program
Future Homes
Future Homes
Close Future Homes
Strategies and initiatives
Future Homes
Future Homes designs
Future Homes streamlined planning process
Future Homes updates
Small second homes
20-minute neighbourhoods
20-minute neighbourhoods
Close 20-minute neighbourhoods
Strategies and initiatives
20-minute neighbourhoods
20-minute neighbourhood projects
20-minute neighbourhood research and resources
20-minute neighbourhoods checklist tool
Plan Melbourne 2017–2050
Plan Melbourne 2017–2050
Close Plan Melbourne 2017–2050
Strategies and initiatives
Plan Melbourne 2017–2050
The plan
Plan Melbourne initiatives
The map room
Fishermans Bend
Cooling and greening Melbourne
Built Environment Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
Distinctive areas and landscapes
Environmentally sustainable development
Great Ocean Road region strategy
Melbourne’s future planning framework
Melbourne industrial and commercial land use plan
Victoria’s gas substitution roadmap
Planning Policy Framework translation
Regional growth plans
Melbourne's strategic planning history
Melbourne's strategic planning history
Close Melbourne's strategic planning history
Strategies and initiatives
Melbourne's strategic planning history
Plan Melbourne 2014
Delivering Melbourne's newest sustainable communities (2010)
Melbourne @ 5 million (2008)
Planning for all of Melbourne (2008)
A plan for Melbourne's growth areas (2005)
Melbourne 2030: Planning for sustainable growth (2002)
Living Suburbs (1995)
Metropolitan Strategy Implementation (1981)
Report on General Concept Objections (1974)
Planning Policies for Metropolitan Melbourne (1971)
Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme 1954
Plan of General Development (1929)
Waterways planning
Waterways planning
Close Waterways planning
Strategies and initiatives
Waterways planning
Planning for our waterways
Recording cultural values along the Yarra River (Birrarung)
Planning for the Yarra River
Birrarung-Bolin framework plan
Rivers of the Barwon and Waterways of the West planning controls
Rivers of the Barwon
Waterways of the West
Browse Strategies and Initiatives
Data, spatial and insights
Data, spatial and insights
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Guides and resources
Data, spatial and insights
Discover and access planning open data
Discover and access planning open data
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Data, spatial and insights
Discover and access planning open data
Victoria in Future
Urban Development Program unavailable
Explore planning through maps and 3D
Use planning data
Cooling and greening Melbourne map
Housing development data
Close Insights
Data, spatial and insights
Changing patterns of residential building approvals
Melbourne’s vegetation, heat and land use data
Victorian population data
Victorian population data
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Data, spatial and insights
Victorian population data
Census 2021 analysis
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Council resources
Council resources
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Guides and resources
Council resources
Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
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Practitioner's guide to Victoria's planning schemes
Using this guide
The VPP and planning schemes
How provisions work
Rules for writing a planning scheme provision
Choosing and applying provisions
How to...
Writing planning permits
Coastal planning grants
Digital planning grants
Digital planning grants
Close Digital planning grants
Council resources
Digital planning grants
Bass Coast case study
Hobsons Bay case study
Yarra Ranges case study
Glen Eira case study
Northern Grampians case study
Planning permit activity reporting
Planning permit activity reporting
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Council resources
Planning permit activity reporting
Guide to permit activity reporting
Planning in 3D
Planning in 3D
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Council resources
Planning in 3D
Agriculture Victoria planning and advisory service
Regional planning hub
VicSmart for councils
Better planning approvals
Better planning approvals
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Council resources
Better planning approvals
Pre-application meetings
Request for further information
Internal referrals
Public engagement and notifications
Better post permit
Customer service guidebook
Browse all council resources
Legislation, regulation and fees
Legislation, regulation and fees
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Guides and resources
Legislation, regulation and fees
Legislation and regulations
The role of the Minister
Metropolitan planning levy
Infrastructure contributions
Growth areas infrastructure contributions
Building policy
Building policy
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Guides and resources
Building policy
Statutory building bodies
Building reform
Building reform
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Building policy
Building reform
Cladding remediation partnership program
Minister's Guideline (MG-15)
Cladding risk mitigation framework
Cladding risk mitigation framework
Close Cladding risk mitigation framework
Building reform
Cladding risk mitigation framework
1. Introduction
2. Cladding risk mitigation policy
3. Procedure for mitigating cladding risk on relevant buildings
Building consumers
Caravan parks and movable dwellings
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Planning schemes
Planning schemes
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Planning schemes
Planning property report
Planning scheme amendments
Planning scheme amendments
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Planning schemes
Planning scheme amendments
Browse amendments
Amending a planning scheme
Amending a planning scheme
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Planning scheme amendments
Amending a planning scheme
Requesting authorisation to prepare a planning scheme amendment
Appendix A - Suggested approach for proposed amendment requests
Appendix B - Examples of information needed to support authorisation requests
Ministerial interventions
Amendments on exhibition
Map amendment requests
Amendment templates
Amendment Tracking System
Amendment Tracking System
Close Amendment Tracking System
Planning scheme amendments
Amendment Tracking System
Create, progress and submit an amendment
Managing collaborators on an amendment
Ordinance changes
Incorporated document changes
Splitting an amendment
Authoring guides
Saved versions, track changes and merge
ATS training
Common questions
Using VicPlan
Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Regional Strategy Plan
Planning schemes help and support
Planning schemes help and support
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Planning schemes
Planning schemes help and support
Incorporated documents
Planning Panels Victoria
Permits and applications
Permits and applications
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Permits and applications
Planning enquiries, requests and applications
Planning enquiries, requests and applications
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Permits and applications
Planning enquiries, requests and applications
Applications for state government projects
Case management service for permit applications
Applying for a planning permit
Development Facilitation Program
Ministerial permits register
Big Housing Build register
State projects register
Public consultations
Public consultations
Close Public consultations
Permits and applications
Public consultations
Current public consultations
Areas where the Minister for Planning is the responsible authority
Areas where the Minister for Planning is the responsible authority
Close Areas where the Minister for Planning is the responsible authority
Permits and applications
Areas where the Minister for Planning is the responsible authority
Applications for privately funded projects
Applications for projects in Alpine resorts
Applications for non-government schools
French Island, Sandstone Island and Elizabeth Island
Environmental assessments
Environmental assessments
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Environmental assessments
Browse EES projects and referrals
Submit an EES referral
Environmental assessment guides
Environmental assessment guides
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Environmental assessments
Environmental assessment guides
Environment effects statements in Victoria
EES commencement and scoping
Preparing an EES consultation plan
Peer review and quality assurance for EES
Use of risk and impact assessment in an EES
EES Ministerial guidelines refresh
Suburban Rail Loop Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Suburban Rail Loop Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Close Suburban Rail Loop Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Environmental assessment guides
Suburban Rail Loop Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
1. Introduction
2. Determining the need for an EES
3. Scoping and delivering an EES
4. Preparing an EES
5. Public review of an EES
6. Making the final assessment
Project Proposal Guidelines under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act
Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Close Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Environmental assessment guides
Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Understanding the assessment process
Determining the need for a referral
Determining the need for assessment
Scoping and preparing an EES
Public review of an EES
Scoping preparing and public review of an environment report
Making the final assessment
Coordination of other statutory processes
Environmental assessment bilateral agreement
Major transport project facilitation in Victoria
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Climate change
Population growth
Regional Victoria
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Activity centres
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Environmental assessments
Planning property report
Planning practice notes
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