
Ministers assessment published
Referral number:
Bilateral agreement reference:

On this page:


Willatook Wind Farm Pty Ltd is proposing to construct a wind farm of up to 59 wind turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 250 metres above ground level and an indicative generation capacity of 350 megawatts in the Moyne Shire, about 22 kilometres north of Port Fairy.

The proposed permanent ancillary infrastructure includes up to three permanent wind monitoring masts approximately 170 metres high, a substation, a battery energy storage system, operations and maintenance buildings and yard, underground cables, above ground power transmission lines and access tracks.

Temporary infrastructure for the construction period for the proposal includes on-site concrete batching plants, an on-site quarry, cleared construction laydown areas, temporary construction compounds and facilities and site parking.

The Tarrone Terminal Station is proposed to connect the on-site substation to the 500 kilovolt Heywood-Moorabool transmission line.

The proposed Project would have an expected operational life of about 25 years.

On 27 December 2018 the Minister for Planning determined that an EES is required for the Project under the Environment Effects Act 1978.

Two planning permit applications have also been made for the Project:

  • PA2201620 for the development of the wind energy facility and associated infrastructure within the Moyne Shire.
  • P22065 for removal of native vegetation in Glenelg Shire along the haulage route for the project.

Minister’s assessment

On 21 July 2023, the Minister for Planning completed her assessment under the Environment Effects Act 1978. This concluded the environment effects statement process for this project.

The proponent and statutory decision-makers have received the assessment to inform approval decisions.

The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water has received the assessment to inform her decision about the project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The Minister’s assessment concludes that the project can proceed with acceptable environmental effects, subject to the implementation of project modifications recommended in the assessment and environmental management measures consistent with those endorsed by the inquiry and panel and refined as per the findings and recommendations of the assessment.

Public review and Inquiry

Inquiry and panel

See Planning Panels Victoria Willatook Wind Farm Inquiry and Panel


The EES and planning permit applications were publicly exhibited from Monday 4 July 2022 to Friday 12 August 2022.

You can view the EES, planning permit applications and related documents at Willatook Wind Farm

EES preparation

Consultation plan

The proponent, Willatook Wind Farm Pty Ltd, has prepared a communications and consultation plan for the EES, outlining the opportunities and approaches for its community engagement during the preparation of the EES.

The plan may be updated as required during the preparation of the EES. If the plan changes, the updated version will be posted on this page.

Technical reference group

The department has convened an inter-agency technical reference group at the request of the Minister for Planning to advise the department and the proponent on scoping and adequacy of the EES studies and documentation, as well as co-ordination of the EES process with other statutory processes for the project.

The government organisations represented on the technical reference group are:

  • DTP - Impact Assessment
  • DEECA - Barwon South West (biodiversity)
  • DEECA - Wind Farm Planning
  • First Peoples-State Relations
  • Heritage Victoria
  • EPA Victoria
  • Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
  • Regional Roads Victoria
  • Earth Resources Regulation
  • Moyne Shire Council

Technical reference group representatives are supported by internal experts on specific aspects of the EES studies.

Scoping requirements

The scoping requirements set out the matters to be investigated and documented in the Environmental Effects Statement (EES).

Draft scoping requirements for this EES were on public exhibition between July and August 2019.

After considering public submissions on the draft scoping requirements, the Minister for Planning issued final scoping requirements in August 2019.

Minister's decision on referral

On 27 December 2018 the Minister for Planning required Willatook Wind Farm Pty Ltd to prepare an environment effects statement (EES) under the Environment Effects Act 1978 to assess the potential environmental effects of the project.

Project contact

If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch via the contact details below.

Proposed Willatook Wind Farm Project queries:
Willatook Wind Farm Pty Ltd
☎ Phone: 1800 934 313
✉ Email:

Page last updated: 26/06/24


Ministers assessment published
Referral number:
Bilateral agreement reference: